Sunday, January 10, 2010 

Should you trust looks like a handy online service for storing all your website passwords. Browser extensions are available to make the whole process easier. If you use the web from several PCs it does sound nice to have all your passwords available and synced between your PCs.

First thought was wether I should hand over my passwords to the 3rd party, hopefully they are storing them with some serious crypto. Perusing their FAQ I found some info on this:

We only support keeping the encryption done on your computer so LastPass can't see your sensitive data
...your sensitive data is always encrypted and decrypted locally on your computer before being synchronized. Your master password never leaves your computer and your key never leaves your computer. No one at LastPass (or anywhere else) can decrypt your data without you giving up your password (we will never ask you for it). Your key is created by taking a SHA-256 hash of your password. When you login, we make a hash of your username concatenated with your password, and that hash is what's sent to verify if you can download your encrypted data.

So they are encrypting everything with a key derived from your password - plus they don't know your password - so they CANNOT access any of your passwords. Nice. But why stop there? Let's fire up fiddler to make sure they definitely don't have my passwords.

I've created a junk account on lastpass username:, password: test1234 (the account will be gone by the time you read this!). The first form I see submitted to the server is when I create my account:

hash 53c81a859a3f3d4dc3762d3a47bab07fad7ad3f2673724deb20fb420e8bdc03a
password ********
password2 ********
timezone2 +10:00,1
language2 en-US
agree on
agreeupload on
loglogins on
improve on
json 1

I don't see my password going to their servers in the clear. I can confirm that the hash getting sent is geniune by creating the same hash elsewhere via an online SHA256 generator, or writing some code myself. Try it yourself, the hash created is SHA256(SHA256(username + password) + password) - everything checks out. All the C# code to verify the encryption/hashing is at the end of the article.

The login form:


Again the same hash is being used to verify me when I login. I can see an encrypted username is being sent (although I'm not sure why?), rooting around in the javascript I can see the key being used for encyption is SHA(username+password). Importantly this is different to the hash being used to authenticate me - as we don't want the server to be able to decypt anything encypted by the client, i.e. they would have to know my password to derive the same key on their side.

The form to add a new website:

We can see here the client is sending encyrypted versions of name, username, password, and the extra info. Again this is encrypted with a key we only have on our client - no one at lastpass could have this key. For some reason the URL is being sent in a HEX representation of the string - not sure why they aren't just sending the string?

So when I log back into lastpass, I can drill down into this entry and see it again. Let's make sure everything looks okay here. The HTML that renders this screen is available in fiddler:

  <td class='col1'>Name</td>
  <td><input name='name' id='name' type='text' value='pyJlY+AX0Aoczlx50hwlHg==' style='width: 250px'></td>
  <td class='col1'>Username</td>
  <td><input name='username' id='idusername' type='text' value='SgVkuVKH4MjkP+Saz64UhA=='> </td>
  <td class='col1'>Notes</td>
  <td><textarea name='extra' id='extra' rows='6' cols='35'>1rZ3sSuggtdavyCu446GZA==</textarea></td>
The server is sending down our encrypted details, and relying on the client to decrypt everything.

So, yes - you CAN trust with your passwords! Don't just take my word for it; fire up Fiddler, and compare the hashed/encrypted values with what you expect.

Lastly the c# code to confirm the AES encrypted strings above are geniune.

static void Main(string[] args)
    string username = "";
    string password = "test1234";
    string hash_auth = ByteArrayToHexString(SHA256(ByteArrayToHexString(SHA256(username+password)) + password));
    byte[] hash_key = SHA256(username + password);

    Console.WriteLine("hash for authentication => " + hash_auth);
    Console.WriteLine("hash for encryption => " +  ByteArrayToHexString(hash_key));
    Console.WriteLine("'{0}' encrypted => {1}", username, Encrypt(username, hash_key, ""));
    Console.WriteLine("'{0}' encrypted => {1}", "facebook", Encrypt("facebook", hash_key, ""));
    Console.WriteLine("'{0}' encrypted => {1}", "cryptolearner", Encrypt("cryptolearner", hash_key, ""));
    Console.WriteLine("'{0}' encrypted => {1}", "password", Encrypt("password", hash_key, ""));
    Console.WriteLine("'{0}' encrypted => {1}", "no notes", Encrypt("no notes", hash_key, ""));

static byte[] SHA256(string data)
    byte[] indata = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
    SHA256 shaM = new SHA256Managed();
    return shaM.ComputeHash(indata);

/// <remarks>From</remarks>
static string ByteArrayToHexString(byte[] data)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(data.Length * 2);
    foreach (byte b in data)
        sb.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b);
    return sb.ToString();

/// <remarks>From</remarks>
static public string Encrypt(string plaintext, byte[] KeyBytes, string InitialVector)
    byte[] PlainTextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plaintext);
    byte[] InitialVectorBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(InitialVector);
    RijndaelManaged SymmetricKey = new RijndaelManaged();
    SymmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
    SymmetricKey.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
    ICryptoTransform Encryptor = SymmetricKey.CreateEncryptor(KeyBytes, InitialVectorBytes);
    MemoryStream MemStream = new MemoryStream();
    CryptoStream CryptoStream = new CryptoStream(MemStream, Encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
    CryptoStream.Write(PlainTextBytes, 0, PlainTextBytes.Length);
    byte[] CipherTextBytes = MemStream.ToArray();
    return Convert.ToBase64String(CipherTextBytes);


Tuesday, January 05, 2010 

Expanding on Josh Smith's WPF MVVM app

Over the holidays I've got a start on a new project idea. I decided to do the simple UI of the project as an MVVM WPF app. First thing to do was to google up some sample MVVM WPF app. There are some very good example apps out there, some honourable mentions: Sonic, Karl Shifflett's Cipher, and Josh Smith's MVVM Demo App (some good comments on the accompanying blog post: My MVVM article in MSDN Magazine)

Josh's demo app is simple enough for me to quickly get my head around some WPF and MVVM concepts. But the article includes a challenge :) :

The application does not have support for deleting or editing an existing customer, but that functionality, and many other features similar to it, are easy to implement by building on top of the existing application architecture.

The following is a quick summary on how I added editing to the demo app. This is TOTALLY up for debate. I'm interested to know if I could've taken an easier approach. In summary, I've added a RelayCommand '_editCommand' up in MainWindowViewModel to display the edit tab. I pass this command down to CustomerViewModel so I can bind it to a new button on AllCustomersView. Am I creating ViewModel's that are too tightly coupled?

  • MainWindowViewModel.cs
    • added a private field:
      ICommand _editCommand;
    • in the constructor this is pointed to a method in MainWindowViewModel:
      _editCommand = new RelayCommand(cust => EditCustomer(cust as CustomerViewModel));
    • constructors for CustomerViewModel and AllCustomersViewModel are now passed _editCommand
    • added method EditCustomer to display the workspace:
      void EditCustomer(CustomerViewModel workspace)
          WorkspaceViewModel exisitingModel = Workspaces.FirstOrDefault(cust => cust is CustomerViewModel && (cust as CustomerViewModel) ==  workspace);
          if (exisitingModel == null)
  • AllCustomersViewModel.cs
    • added a private field:
      ICommand _editCommand;
    • _editCommand is set by a new parameter in the constructor (passed in by MainWindowViewModel)
    • _editCommand is passed to the CustomerViewModel constructor in OnCustomerAddedToRepository and CreateAllCustomers.
  • CustomerViewModel.cs
    • added a private field:
      ICommand _editCommand;
    • _editCommand is set by a new parameter in the constructor
    • fixed the _CustomerType defaulting to 'not specified':
      _customerType = (this.IsNewCustomer) ? Strings.CustomerViewModel_CustomerTypeOption_NotSpecified :
          (_customer.IsCompany) ? Strings.CustomerViewModel_CustomerTypeOption_Company : 
    • exposed _EditCustomer as a public property: EditCustomer
  • AllCustomersView.xaml - bound a new 'Edit' button to the EditCommand
    <GridViewColumn Header="Action">
                    <Button Content="Edit" 
                            Command="{Binding EditCustomer}" 

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